Paul Mylecharane

Look into data policies for ETH
Polybox, My Studies, Switch, Moodle

Access models
Invited via course
Invited outside of course
Super admin, Admin, Editor, Viewer
---- Dashboard / Admin : Create a space : Re-order spaces : See spaces you are part of : See mentions and requests for comments, collabs : Edit, invite, create, [delete]( Spaces / Non-linear : Drag and drop and (+) to add images, text files, sound files, pdfs, videos, video tags (link to outside hosted video) and outside url links : Double-click to create a text box : Grouping and linking objects : Locking specific content or views : Images scale but always show low-res by default : Show map bottom right : Notifications fixed top right : Editor slides on from right : Hand (drag), pointer (default) and pen (for sketching) Editor / Linear : Group objects, tags and concepts for publishing in specific states : Create, re-order, edit, delete lists, texts, groupings etc : Public or Private modes/lists/groupings

Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Project 4
Project 5
Project 6
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